This unique harvesting story takes viewers on an exciting journey through Germany’s diverse agricultural landscape. In this documentary, well-known filmmakers Tammo and Jörn Gläser delve deep into the harvesting activities involved in 12 different arable crops. From parsley and chive harvesting in southern Germany and blueberry and cabbage harvesting in northern Germany to cereal and maize harvesting in eastern Germany –each chapter is packed full of variety. Each topic is centered around the theme of “fascinating farm machinery” and brings you footage of the top 5 largest combines in the world. Harvest time in Germany portrays an exciting mix of farm machinery innovations, giant harvesters, specialist machinery and adaptations. Viewers both young and old will learn interesting facts about the machinery on show, the work itself and the farms that are visited. 95 minutes of independently produced farming documentary awaits!
DVDs, Landtechnik Video Ireland DVDs
Harvest Time In Germany
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Run time:95 minutes [1x DVD]
Narration:German, English, French, Spanish, Italian
Price:RRP €20.00
Release date: November 2020
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